• Saturday, 27 Feb 2021
  • 3042

MenaITech, Jordan’s Leading HCIS Provider, Says “Willkommen” to Goethe-Institute

MenaITech is Jordan’s leading human capital information systems (HCIS) provider, helping clients achieve their goals by streamlining HR and payroll processes. Recently, MenaITech has worked alongside the esteemed Goethe Cultural Institute in Jordan, helping them optimize productivity by using MenaITech’s cloud-based HR and payroll systems. 

Operating for over seventy years with more than 157 centers in 98 countries, Goethe is a gateway for those interested in learning about German language and culture while promoting intercultural communication through educational programs and events. 

Because of the booming interest in German social, political, and cultural life, Goethe began opening more branches in North America in L.A., Washington, Chicago, New York, and Boston to cater to the increase in students and staff. With such an increase came the need for a digitized payroll and personnel management system that would increase efficiency and reduce errors, and especially during a raging pandemic, it was needed quickly.

This is why Goethe put their trust in MenaITech’s HR and payroll solutions, which provide accurate personnel information management and automated payroll calculations and transactions, making sure processes are streamlined no matter where customers may be in the world. 

The results were prosperous; Goethe realized that previous administrative and auditing issues that caused obstacles were easily solved with MenaITech, reducing costs and increasing payroll processing accuracy. 

Even with the threat of COVID-19, it did not stop MenaITech from providing top-quality HR and payroll services, making remote working a fruitful experience. MenaITech’s solutions are localized to ensure compliance with any country’s tax and social security laws, so Goethe’s branches in Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Egypt, U.A.E., and Oman were all able to keep in contact with each other while staying in line with their respective country’s policies. 

Through using MenaPAY®, MenaITech’s personnel and payroll management solution that automates all types of transactions, and MenaHR®, the comprehensive HR solution equipped with talent acquisition management and career path and succession planning, Ahmad Qatamesh, Manager of Digital Transformation at Goethe, said that working with MenaITech brought about flexibility and accuracy in operations, while remaining “transparent and professional” in their conduct. 

Qatamesh says that Goethe has gained a valuable partnership that, despite today’s complications, has helped them find strategic solutions in the palm of their hand.